Thursday 7 February 2013

The Pitch

The Pitch
As a group we have started to look at different ideas we might have for the beginning of our film. I have started this by mind mapping ideas we could use.
For our ideas, we have been looking at the opening of different films as well as looking at magazine articles.

Below are the articles we have used.

 This is one of the articles that gave us the idea for our Thriller and Horror pitches. On the left there was a piece about the atheist ten commandments and this is where we got the idea that Mary would use them to be able to teach the children the lesson. Also as you can see from the right, we got our idea of the etch a sketch from the picture in the corner of the page.

Below are the mind mapped ideas that we could use when thinking of the final idea, this screen shot below shows you the first pitch I had made for our Thriller movie.



Here you can see that I have suggested that the film will be set in the future.

I have also incorporated the idea of using an etch a sketch to show the murders. This idea came from the newspaper article as its not a normal object that could appear in a film of this genre.

Also from this description of the pitch you can see that I have tried to connect the etch a sketch to the murderer to change the dynamic as your not seeing the murders through anything but your seeing it through the pictures that are drawn.

I have also came up with an idea for a horror film. From the mind map you can see that the story revolves around Bloody Mary. It is Mary who was once married to Henry the 8th, and was beheaded by him.
The idea we had was that a statue of a woman in a grave yard would be cursed, and everybody knew this. However children would go to it and say the curse aloud while standing around. We then decided that the 10 children that went to the statue would all get cursed expect for one boy, Peter.
As you can see we said they would all get put into different situations that would test them, but it was only Peter that would ever survive. And all of this occurred because Mary wanted revenge and did this by using the 10 commandments.

We have also created an idea for a Rom-Com.
The idea we had was that two very different people would keep meeting and as you can see from the mind map on the left, it would happen over 7 days.
In these 7 days our two characters would find themselves coming face to face with each other in different circumstances, for example they might find themselves stuck in a lift together or they might have to share taxi.
Other things you can see from the mind map is that both people are opposites, this makes it harder for them both to admit that there could be something however they have to over come the fact they dislike each other. You can also see that we have used the idea of Beauty and the Beast but we wanted to show the man as being handsome and good looking and we wanted to show our female character as somebody that hasn't got a lot going for them, but they are still loved after all.

Our Pitch
The way we came up with our idea for the opening of our film was that we used one of the newspaper articles that we'd been given. As a group we all had different ideas so we all shared what we had before making the final decision.

From this screen shot you can see that we have picked out certain words including rampage, world and Germany. It was from here that our ideas began to develop to get the final pitch.

 Kirsty's idea:
A romantic film based on a solider and a woman who fall in love during the first world war. However we realised that it would have to be a Rom-Com, and by adding a comedy aspect to the film would possibly ruin the storyline.

Beth' idea:
A Thriller involving a couple in modern day, this would include a murder trial. But a criticism of this film is that the storyline is too basic and the outcome could possibly be expected. It has also been done before.

My idea:
I had a similar idea to Kirsty which involved the war, but I liked that fact you could make it into a horror. So I thought you might be able have a soldier who sees Auschwitz and what went on, but it would change him. The criticisms we had for this idea was that we might need a lot of people for filming which would have been hard, it is also a hard idea to develop.

Even though the ideas we had all come up with were good, we decided that we would have to collaborate two ideas as we all liked different things and this is why we decided to make a Romantic Thriller. As all of us liked the idea of the film being based around a love story in war time we decided the Thriller aspect of it would make the story more interesting.

Our plot is about a war veteran who fought during WW2, as he was exposed to such horrors he became scared by what he had seen. However like many of the other veterans fighting alongside him he was in love with a woman back home before he left. While he was away he was part of a group of soldiers that discovered Auschwitz, which at the time was one of the many concentration camps created by the Nazis. It is here that Arthur seen a woman that reminded him off his wife, changing his life forever. From what he had experienced and witnessed during his time in war, Arthur suffered with post traumatic stress disorder, leading to confusion and flash backs. However as he was still at war there was nothing that could be done to help him. The scenes Arthur had seen would never leave his mind making him take the actions he did, in which he killed the Auschwitz prisoner. Found out by his Lieutenant, Arthur was sent home to his wife, where he was no longer able to cope with the life he had. As his flashbacks were still happening Arthur could never forget the day he took the prisoners life and began to mistake her for his wife and this is when he took her life too. Found out he was later arrested and charged for her murder, living the rest of his life a mental home coping with what he had done to her.

In the opening of our film you are introduced to three characters, these are Arthur both old and young, Katherine, Arthurs wife and Arthurs carer.

 Arthur is a pilot in WW2, he is a vetran that while at war suffers from what hes seen, leading to dramatic circumstances.

By having Arthur as an older man, it meant we could look back into his future and create a story behind him. The role he has is that he is the one that takes us into the film.

You are introduced to Katherines character when she is saying bye to Arthur, throughout the film you would then learn she was killed by him.


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