Tuesday 15 January 2013

Analysis of the opening sequence of 'Se7en'


This is my analysis of the opening sequence to the film 'Se7en', I have been looking at how he title sequence has been constructed using Camera angles, Editing, Sound, Mise en scene and Special effects.

Se7en is a film by David Fincher (1995), starring Brad Pit as a major character Dt David Mills. He stars alongside Morgan Freeman who is the main character Dt William Somerset.

Before the title sequence starts there is a pre title sequence, this shows Dt Somerset (Freeman) in his kitchen alone. From looking at what is in his kitchen Somerset looks well travelled, this is because he has a collection of figurines that you wouldn't normally get from living in America. He also seems good natured, I get this impression from the animal figures this is because it tends to show a softer side to someone.
Also by showing him to have a chess board in his kitchen it shows that he is an intelligent man, who possibly uses strategy when he needs to, more than likely in his work.
By looking at his home, there is no sign of him having a family this is because there are no pictures up around the house. This suggests he's lonely as he hasn't got anybody around him. Also from looking around his kitchen you can see he hasn't got a real cooker, this suggests that his job takes up a lot of his time, which made us think he could of been a police man. I also noticed that his house was very ordered, and that everything lines up, this could link to his work and he might be ordered in every element of his life.
We are also introduced to Brad Pitts character David Mills, he is shown to be scruffy looking, wearing a leather jacket and a top resembling a shirt. He had chewing gum in his mouth that suggested he had an attitude and it didn't make him look very polite. Mills also had facial hair unlike Freeman's character Somerset, this suggested that his character doesn't really care about his appearance as its unkept and he doesn't really come across as a professional.

Mise En Scene
After we were introduced to Freeman's character in the pre title sequence, the main title sequence allowed us to learn more about both characters. Props were used to shed light on Somerset's life this included a table where his possessions were layed out. This included his police badge which confirmed our thoughts that he was in the force, there was also a knife on the table, this could be there as it might be used throughout the rest of the film. The handkerchief that he then picked up suggested that Somerset as a character is old fashioned, this is because there weren't many people that used them.

We were also shown more of the Somerset's home, it showed his bed to be made neatly which could suggest he has an army background. Iconography is also used in the main sequence this showed Dt Somerset as a stereotypical detective dressed in a long jacket and a hat.

Throughout body language has also been used, this showed Mills (Pitt) with his arms folded getting defencive about what Somerset (Freeman) had said. By looking at both characters together the age and ethnicity of the two become apparent. This is because you can see that Somerset is taking his life more seriously as he is nearing the end of his career, whereas Mills is laid back and doesn't really seem to care. Also by showing them to be of different ethnic backgrounds, it could suggest that Freeman's character hasn't been able to take life lightly and he's had to work to get to where he is, whereas it doesn't seem like Pitts character has had to do the same, we see this when they are at a job and Mills doesn't bother to write any information down.

From the main title sequence you are then vaguely introduced to the 'serial killer', as you are only ever shown his hands it makes you wonder who this man is making the story that's about to be told more mysterious and slightly scary as you don't know what this man is capable of. In this sequence you are shown books, that have photos stuck in them along with a lot of writing, to us this seems like he is keeping a scrap book possibly of his victims or they might even be old case files of the murders, in this case it shows us what he or somebody else has done.
Samples of hair are also being stuck in the books along side the photographs, this tells us as a viewer that this man isn't really 'normal' as it seems he has kept something from a murder he's committed. Following this we are shown this man censoring out certain words in books he is reading as they refer to 'sex'. This could suggest that this man has a child like way of thinking and can't cope with these words or it's telling you more about him, and suggesting that he was abused himself and its these words that remind him of that time.
As well as doing this to books, of the pictures he has of different children, he crosses out the eyes on the photographs, to me this seems like he doesn't want them to be looking at him and in a way it could show remorse and how he doesn't like to see what he's become.
He also took the word 'God' out of the dollar notes, this could be giving you clues to the film and what is about to happen.
The colour red is also used, this symbolises danger and it could also show the blood thats already been spilled from his previous victims, it also suggests the killer could be in a dark room.

Camera Angles
Camera angles were also used. In the pre title sequence focus pull is used, this shows Dt Somerset analysing the crime scene while taking away from the rest of it in this case the other police officer. By using this it's the first time you see Freeman as a main character in the film.
A two shot is later used and this shows Somerset and Mills together for the first time, this is significant as it's the first chance you get to see how the two men act towards each other.
An extreme close up of the antagonist or 'serial killer' were used to show him shaving off his fingers tips. By doing this you know he is trying to cover his tracks so he can't be found, it also makes you wonder if he'll ever be found if theres no trace of him.
Also by using close ups, there is always the question in your mind of whether your actually going to find out who this man is, you also wonder why there doing this.

Sound And Editing
When Somerset (Freeman) is at home in bed, ambient sound is used, for example you can here sirens and alarms going off as well as hearing people shouting in the street, this suggests he lives in a flat as you can hear everything thats going on. This is when you see him use a metrobeat to block out the noise thats coming into his room.
Jump cuts are used so that you can't focus for a long time, this makes you want to find out what will happen even more. These jump cuts are accompanied by scratchy (inciental) music. By using both together it makes it more errotic and it seems to symbolise the mind set of the killer.
The theme tune 'You kept me closer to god' suggests that whats about to happen could have something to do with religion, it also makes you wonder why gods so significant when he's also cut the word out of the notes he had.
Images are also layered up on each other, by superimposing the images it shows the mans erratic behaviour as well as the jup cuts. This is because you are shown a lot of what the man is doing all at once, for example his writing and what pictures he has and how hes placing them.

Se7en Trailer.

                                              Se7en Credits - First Introduction to the killer

1 comment:

  1. Can you possibly make the videos the same size by changing the HTML code as they are clashing a bit. The Analysis if the film and use of images is very good.
